Should You Offer Floating Holidays To Your Employees? Things You Should Know

Floating holidays are a type of alternative break, or “fourth-wall” experience, which is when employees get to temporarily step outside the typical office environment and enjoy something new and different.

These activities are often centered around nature, such as going on hikes, camping, or spending time in the wilderness. For many people, these types of breaks help to decrease their stress so they can return to work refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges with renewed enthusiasm.

In addition to reducing stress, floating holidays offer numerous other benefits including increased team collaboration, improved focus and productivity at work, better communication skills within teams, and an increase in personal responsibility among team members.

What Is A Floating Holiday?

A floating holiday is any paid time off that you can use at any time of the year. You could use this time at any time during the year, not just during the holiday season. Floating holidays typically come with no restrictions except that they must be used during the same fiscal year.

You’ll find floating holidays at companies that don’t have a set vacation policy. These types of companies allow employees to take vacation whenever they want, for as long as they want.

Pros Of Offering Floating Holidays

Its allows employees to manage their time off in a way that best fits their needs. This can include taking time off in shorter blocks or working with managers to use up existing vacation time.

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Employees feel more empowered and engaged in the work they do when they have a sense of control and choice in the decisions they make throughout their day-to-day lives. Encourages team collaboration.

When team members can easily swap out and share time off, it promotes collaboration and helps create a more engaged and connected team. Helps prevent burnout.

Long-term mental health is one of the biggest impacts of floating holidays. As work-life balance becomes increasingly important, floating holidays can help prevent burnout.

Cons Of Offering Floating Holidays

Employees may feel pressured to take time off. This is especially true when managers are not transparent about their own vacation time off. Increased pressure on employees to perform when they return.

If employees take long periods of time off, their managers might feel pressure to compensate for that absence or have unrealistic expectations of productivity when they return. Employees who are used to long-term vacation time off may be more likely to leave the company.

Why Should I Offer Floating Holidays?

Floating holidays can help you manage employee absence, support a healthy work-life balance, and help your team members feel more connected to each other.

Plus, it’s one less thing for you to worry about and it could even boost performance. Employee can use floating holidays to spend quality time with family or attending some professional courses.

How To Develop A Floating Holiday Policy

Conduct A Survey

First, you need to find out how much vacation time your employees are currently taking. Conduct a survey to find out how much vacation time your team members want, then build a policy based on those results.

Be Transparent

Next, make sure your team members understand how the new policy works. Make sure employees know how much vacation time they have available, how to request time off, and any other relevant details of the policy.

Be Consistent

Finally, make sure you’re consistent when approving or denying vacation time off requests. If you’re approving time off for team members who are close to their vacation max, be sure they know they’re close to the max and that they might not receive approval the next time they request time off.

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The Difference Between A Floating Holiday And Vacation Day?

A floating holiday is any paid time off that you can use at any time of the year. You could use this time at any time during the year, not just during the holiday season.

Floating holidays typically come with no restrictions except that they must be used during the same fiscal year. Typically, you’ll find floating holidays at companies that don’t have a set vacation policy. These types of companies allow employees to take vacation whenever they want, for as long as they want.

Floating Holidays Builds An Inclusive Work Culture

Employees take a greater interest in their co-workers well-being. They are more inclined to offer assistance with various tasks and are more engaged in the work they are doing.

This helps create a supportive work environment that promotes collaboration and connectivity amongst team members. When people feel less isolated and more supported in their work environment, they have a stronger sense of belonging and feeling of authenticity.

Team members are more likely to help each other out when someone is under more stress or pressure. When someone is struggling, others feel more inclined to reach out and lend a hand. This can make it easier to tackle projects and can help improve communication between team members.

Floating Holidays Running Business During The Holidays

Employees are more likely to go the extra mile. This can help with retention, as a company with a greater focus on caring for their employees can be more appealing to potential hires.

When employees feel satisfied and appreciated, they are more likely to put in the extra effort and go above and beyond for their company. Customers are more likely to be satisfied. If employees are given time off during major holidays, they are more likely to be satisfied with the company.

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They might be more inclined to offer better service, as well as give positive feedback to the company. This can help improve the company’s reputation and increase sales.

Things To Consider Before Offering Floating Holidays

Are there seasonal variations? Consider the impact of seasonal variations on your business and employees. Are there certain times of the year where your employees are more likely to take time off?

If so, you might not want to offer floating holidays during those times. If your company has a strict vacation policy and high expectations for vacation time off, floating holidays might not be the best option. If your company culture is more casual and laid-back, floating holidays may be a good fit.


The benefits of floating holidays are numerous and you may even see them outweigh the drawbacks. By offering floating holidays, you can help to reduce stress, boost morale, and encourage team collaboration, while also giving your employees more flexibility in managing their time off.

Most importantly, floating holidays can help to create a more inclusive work culture where employees feel more connected and supported in their co-working environment.

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